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The calendar on your WorkDo dashboard gives you an overview of all your workplace’s upcoming events and tasks. It is a personalized calendar that is for you only. However, if you prefer to use an external calendar, feel free to integrate your WorkDo events into an external calendar!

Just enable the Calendar Subscription function in your Workplace Settings and copy the link then paste into your external calendar to subscribe, simple as that!

Subcribe / Cancel Calendar Subscription
Plan:All plans
Permission:All users


  1. Click the Workplace Settings on the workplace page.
  2. Click your profile.
  3. Select Calendar Subscription.
  4. Enable the function.
    • Subscribe │ A blue checkmark will indicate it is enabled and a subscription link is shown. Copy the link and paste it into your external calendar to receive updates from your workpalce.
    • Cancel Subscription │ Toggle the button to disble it.


  1. Click the Workplace Settings on the workplace page.
  2. Select Calendar Subscription.
  3. Enable the function.
    • Subscribe │ A blue checkmark will indicate it is enabled and a subscription link is shown. Copy the link and paste it into your external calendar to receive updates from your workpalce.
    • Cancel Subscription │ Toggle the button to disble it.

  • For iPhone users, just click subscribe and the link will be automatically copied to your calendar.
  • If you are in multiple workplaces, please switch workplaces and follow te steps described in this FAQ to obtain the calendar subscription links.
  • Not every external calendar shares the same subscription method, please check with your calendar on how the subscription service works.
  • Most external calendars do not provide real-time updates and synchronization. Please check your calendar’s information to ascertain the update times and frequency.
  • You will no longer receive updates once you cancelled the calendar subscription or updated the link.
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The calendar on your WorkDo dashboard gives you an overview of all your workplace’s upcoming events and tasks. It is a personalized calendar that is for you only. However, if you prefer to use an external calendar, feel free to integrate your WorkDo events into an external calendar!

Just enable the Calendar Subscription function in your Workplace Settings and copy the link then paste into your external calendar to subscribe, simple as that!

Subcribe / Cancel Calendar Subscription
Plan:All plans
Permission:All users


  1. Click the Workplace Settings on the workplace page.
  2. Click your profile.
  3. Select Calendar Subscription.
  4. Enable the function.
    • Subscribe │ A blue checkmark will indicate it is enabled and a subscription link is shown. Copy the link and paste it into your external calendar to receive updates from your workpalce.
    • Cancel Subscription │ Toggle the button to disble it.


  1. Click the Workplace Settings on the workplace page.
  2. Select Calendar Subscription.
  3. Enable the function.
    • Subscribe │ A blue checkmark will indicate it is enabled and a subscription link is shown. Copy the link and paste it into your external calendar to receive updates from your workpalce.
    • Cancel Subscription │ Toggle the button to disble it.

  • For iPhone users, just click subscribe and the link will be automatically copied to your calendar.
  • If you are in multiple workplaces, please switch workplaces and follow te steps described in this FAQ to obtain the calendar subscription links.
  • Not every external calendar shares the same subscription method, please check with your calendar on how the subscription service works.
  • Most external calendars do not provide real-time updates and synchronization. Please check your calendar’s information to ascertain the update times and frequency.
  • You will no longer receive updates once you cancelled the calendar subscription or updated the link.
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