


Accounts, notifications and more answers to the most frequently asked questions!


There are three ways you can join your company workplace: being invited via a team member, being invited when the company HR imported the employee profiles, or join the workplace on your own.

If your workplace has bound a company email domain, then you may join the workplace with your company email.

│ Steps for employees join the workplace(Click to enlarge) │

Onboard Workplace – Employees
Plan:All plans
Permission:MemberWorkplace admin

STEP 1 │ Upon WorkDo Account Sign Up

  1. Donwload WorkDo then sign up and you will be directed to the Join/Create Workplace screen.
  2. Click Join Workplace.
  3. Enter your company email.
  4. Email verification
    • Unverified │ A verification code will send to this email address, submit the code to complete the email confirmation to join the workplace.
    • Verified │ Joins the company workplace immediately.

STEP 2 │ Join Multiple Workplaces

  1. Click the icon on the upper-left-hand corner..
  2. Click Join/Create Workplace.
  3. Click Join Workplace.
  4. Enter your company email.
  5. Emailverification
    • Unverified │ A verification code will send to this email address, submit the code to complete the email confirmation to join the workplace.
    • Verified │ Joins the company workplace immediately.

Download Quick Start Settings

  • If the workplace is created with free email domain or you do not have a company email, the workplace admin will need to send you an invite to join the workplace.
  • An employee profile will be automatically created in the HR tool upon joining a workplace. Only by completing the rest of the settings in the employee profile will the employee be able to clock in/out, send overtime, approvals, expenses requests, apply for leaves, and receive pay slips, etc.
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